Saturday, June 25, 2011

Non-social versus anti-social

A post on story about some "War" Game feature being added (or already in WOW but unknown) on the WOW Main page led me to reply to someone as follows:

you mean asocial (Avoiding or averse to the society of others; not sociable) rather than antisocial? Goodness knows there are enough anti-social people in the game already, most of whom are progression raiding types. I've never been a very social type, and everything I heard about raids back in Vanilla WOW really turned me off the idea of large progression raiding guilds. That and a lot of people who had no interest in sharing knowledge about game mechanics, encounters, etc. I really dislike that WOW has gone back to a Vanilla feel in that regard: Raiding has reverted to a "know it already or GTFO" mentality again, meaning there are going to be a lot of non-hardcore progression types who may never see some content until long after it has become obsolete.

I have yet to go into Gruul's Lair, Tempest Keep: The Eye or Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern and have only fought trash in the Black Temple when some guild was farming Hearts of Darkness in BC on mobs before Mother Shahraz, and made one failed attempt with a guild member or 2 at taking on Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair (it did NOT go well, lol). I've only popped into Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit with my one of my level 85 toons just to try out taking on the trash mobs there. Boring, and even though I could take the packs of mobs down it was just boring. I got into the ORIGINAL Naxxramas when it was still in the Eastern Plaguelands back during BC. Right after I did the attunement quest I popped in and,
to my chagrin, discovered 2 things.
#1 I could NOT take on two aboms on my own and live,
and more importantly
#2 was that there was NO EXIT from the original Naxx!
Needless to say my tank died upon learning those 2 things. A month or so later someone got a group together to PUG Naxx and I went. That place was hella-Hard! We only tried to go for
Anub'Rekhan and got toasted BIGTIME! The trash even gave us a helluva time before we ever got to the boss. While it was kind of fun to at least get into Naxx and have a go at the boss, I am not a fan of the kind of killer "you must be perfect" mechanics that they had in Vanilla Naxx, and now in heroics and raids in Cataclysm.

Just because I am not a fan of them does not mean I do not think they should exist. Obviously there are players out there who thrive on that sort of challenge. I have a disability that affects how well and how fast i can process information in new situations, it's even harder if I am under stress. So far in Cataclysm I've gotten to where I am ....somewhat...accustomed to a few fights in heroic mode. Lost City for some reason seems to be about the easiest of the heroics for me (and quite frankly there are still aspects of the various fights I do not fully comprehend. I've learned enough to at least be able to keep from getting myself nuked, even of it does lower my dps.
I contribute and we get the boss down. So I do not have the best DPS, I can live with that. Once I have enough experience doing various fights. I have to DO the fight in any given class to really know how to do it, watching a video is not the same for me - they are nice for getting a general idea of what happens, but being there and fighting a boss on a hunter is different than being there as a DPS warrior or as a caster.

Instance runs go so much faster when people know them and when gear is not so much of an issue. I saw that a lot when I would pug raids in Wrath and still see it now when doing instances on my lowbie toons. I love being able to get into a group for Nexxus or Utgarde Keep and rolling thru them very quickly - people may die on occasion, but no one stresses over it and people are almost universally cool about needing on gear when you need it. A fast 15-20 minute run thru UK beats the hell out of a 2 hour long heroic with people dropping from having multiple wipes and people being snotty toward one another. I'll take easy and fun in a game over long, stress-filled bitchfests that heroics tend to be these days.

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