Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I off-tanked for a group doing BH. It seemed like a group of folks that knew each other, i was to excited and worried about doing OK that I didn't notice guild names.
Among the more humorous things about this tanking endeavor is that I did it on my Paladin, Suitthang (pronounce it like sweeth-thang) my 'youngest' overall tank. I was in the middle of buying the t11 Paladin tank legs and gemming them when I answered a request in trade chat for a tank for BH. Once I got there they asked is I knew the fight.
I said that some big baddie was gonna try to do mean hurtie things and I should get it to pick on me instead of everyone else. Wasn;t sure if there were sighs or chuckles on Vent (yeah,we were using vent - quite useful, that Ventrilo), but they gave me a a quick explanation - something about taunting after some effect, then we were going.
Yeah. Wipe #1. They were very cool, explaining correct positioning for me in relation to the MT, then we were off again. For wipe #2. Didn't hear the call for the taunt, MT died, I died, raid died. Lesson learned there. Upon deciding that a louder call for me to taunt would be useful for me, and my repeating back wast was expected we went at the the Eyeball beast yet again. Got him to about 2%, and oddly enough I was just about the last person to die and I was trying to figure out any and all CD's I could pop that were available, in the off hope I could get that last little bit. No go. Wipe #3. Thisone was not on me. PHEW!
Next attempt was like clockwork. Communication was great, I was getting the hang of when to taunt and down he went. Of course no tank drops, not that I'd have had a chance at them anyway, but no big deal. First raid boss tanked succesfully. For good measure we went down and tackled Argolath (I thik thats his name). Goa fast but good explanation and we went at it. My previous experience in raids was useful when the fire phase hit and I knew to GTFO. No wipes, taunted when asked, all the usuall tankish stuff. My DPS was the suck compared to everyone else, but considering I was wearing about three green pieces of gear and still haven;t changed my glyphs to some more effective tankie glyphs for pallies, the event was quite a success.

Just MAYBE, i might stand a chance in the troll instances. Would prefer getting upgrade for those greens, particularly the weapon! LOL