Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I just read a post on the Blizzard forums about fail Battlegrounds (BGs) with the title "Why not just let them win?"

I have been in enough BGs when early on it seemed like it would be hopeless only to have things turnaround and become very worthwhile matches.
I've felt the same thing many time, that the BG was a complete wreck, but have learned you just have to either gut it out and stay till the bitter or glorious end, or else just bail and take the debuff. Eye of the Storm is a BG where I've seen a turnaround happen many times. Not so much with Warsong Gulch, commonly known as WSG.
Ah, WSG, now there is a BG with which I have a deep tolerate/hate relationship. The one thing I love about WSG is they put in a time limit on the darned BG. before they did that there were times I was in WSG longer than some old school Alterac Valley battles, and they used to have AVs that went for days! Not saying WSG went that long, but 90 minutes in WSG was too darn long. Sometimes 20 minutes is too long. I've gone thru periods where I would do great in PVP as a tank back in Wrath, even had at least one battle inside WSG that can still make me laugh.
I was in our flagroom along with a druid healer (pretty sure it was a druid) and got into it with a human paladin. We had out own little battle going for a good 5 minutes with me getting healed until the pally switched to the druid only to have all my Prot stuns screw with him then he'd switch to me, and between my stuns and reflects along with my pocket healer we finally downed him. Then he comes back for more! Horde ended up losing that one - it was probably one that seemed pointless, but at least 2 of us on the losing side had a tremendous amount of fun.

Imagine that, playing a game and having FUN!?!?

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