Monday, February 28, 2011

Took a break from tanking

Playing an MMO when you aren't exactly a people person may seem odd, but I don't play WOW so much for the interaction with other people as I do for the lore related game play.

The only reason I took up tanking at level 70 was to be able to get into instances much faster and see more of what the game designers spent so much time creating. There were soooo many instances in The Burning Crusades and I wanted to see as much as I could, and of course, get better gear!! Same with with Wrath of the Lich King, and it was even more fun as a tank because of how Blizzard buffed the damage a tank could output.

Then along comes Cataclysm.

A phenomenal achievement by Blizzard, but at the same time it leaves me feeling rather...empty about doing instances when leveling from 80 to 85, and especially after hitting 85. In part I think it's because there are so few instances compared to TBC and WotLK. Add to that the dramatic changes they made to the talent tree system.... I guess I was burnt out on tanking. That and getting adequate tanking gear was a pain as I was, and still am, really enjoying being a DPS warrior. Having 3 sets of gear (DPS, Tank & PVP) has always been a drag. I hate to admit it, but I am using quite a few pieces of PVP gear in my DPS set, and I love the DPS I am doing for once! I don't recall what I was fighting the other day, but I got a 50K+ Execute Crit on some quest mob - what can I say, I'm having fun!

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